CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Stations: (3 min ea)
1. Row
2. Lacrosse ball (shoulders/hip)
3. 5 pull ups + 10 push ups (x2 if possible)
4. 20 GHD + 10 KB Swings
Warm up pendlay rows to what you can do 5x
EMOM 12 min
A: Toes to bar x 10 (or as many as you can do in 45s)
B: Hip extension (12)
C: Core plank (45s)
D: 5 Pendlay rows (65% or what you can do 5x)
Pendlay Row (3 x 5 )
Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD:
4 Rounds
6 burpees
100m Farmers Carry (45/30)
6 Power cleans (155/95)
Partner A goes all the way thru, then partner B goes
each goes thru 4x.
Beginners (15 Squats instead of power cleans)
Scaled : (30/20, 95/65)
Rx + (55/35, 185/115)