CrossFit PTC – WOD
Row 500 & Agile 8 (No Measure)
Row 500
Agile 8
Foam Roll — IT, Piraformis, Teardrop adductors
V-Sit rollover
Firehydrant (arms/back straight)
Groiner (10x each side)
Frog Jumps (10x)
1st Baseman (x2 each side) or Sampson
Deadlift (1 RM)
200 Squats-w sprint @ break (Time)
For Time:
200 Squats
Every time you break 40m Sprint
Rx+ wear a vest (20# and 10#) and do
10 push ups every time you run 40
If you are new, have been out, have been sick, or just haven’t been doing a lot of squats then scale this!! Make the run longer, and cut the number to 150 or 100. Talk with a coach if you have questions.
Break = more than 2 seconds at top.