CrossFit PTC – WOD
EMOM 20 (Use as primary warm-up)
Min 1 = 40s Assault Bike (Low intensity)
Min 2 = Lower Mobility – Couch/Pigeon/Hamstring
Min 3 = Foam Roller/Lacrosse Ball
Min 4 = Upper Mobilty – Bands/PVC/Skin-the-Cat)
Min 5 = 40s Deadbug Mix (Home, Contra, Ipsil Positions)
Coaches can choose various lower and upper body mobility exercises.
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Partner WOD
5 Min Stations/ 2 Min Rest Between Stations
50m Sled Push* (45/25)/Push Ups
15 Box Jumps/Deadlift (135/95)
150m Sled Pull** (45/25)/Air Squat
8/5 Cal Assault Bike/ Sit-ups
* 25m down and back (50m total)
** Circle using center lane of parking lot.
Partner A completes pacer movement one while Partner B completes AMRAP of movement two. Score is team total of movement two.