CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Row 500
Banded Shoulder + Hamstrings
5 Hands Only Inch Worm
10m Spiderman Crawl
10m Bear Crawl
10m Crab Walk
Review pistols and scaling options along with MB Cleans
Suggested Pistol Progressions:
1) Weighted Box Step-up (Beginners)
2) Pistols with Rings or Pullup Bar Assist (Two then One Handed)
3) Pistols on a Box (Tall to Short Box)
4) Pistols with Balance Assist (Post then Wall)
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds of
400m Run
12 Body Weight Deadlifts
10 Alternating Pistols
Immediately followed by:
3 Rounds of
400m Run
20 MB Cleans (20/14)
10 Toes-2-Bar
Rx+ = Sub 5 Ring Muscle Ups for Toes-2-Bar
Rx55+= 3/4 BW Deadlifts; Pistols on Box; MB Cleans (14/10)