CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Row 500
Couch/Pigeon Stretch
Banded Hamstrings (5 Minutes)
2 Wall Climbs
10 Box Jumps
15 Banded Good Mornings
Allow 10 minutes to warm up deadlift.
Tillman (Time)
7 Rounds of:
7 Deadlifts (225/145)
200m Sprint
15 Pull-Ups
45 Second Rest
* Allow 35 Minutes
Rx+ = (275/185)
Rx Masters and Scaled = (185/105)
Patrick Daniel Tillman (11/6/76–4/22/04) was a professional football player who left the National Football League and enlisted in the United States Army in May 2002. He joined the Army Rangers and served multiple tours in combat before he was killed in the mountains of Afghanistan. He was a recipient of the Silver Star, the third highest honor in the military, and a Purple Heart. Pat is survived by his wife Marie. He is also remembered through the foundation named in his honor.