CrossFit PTC – WOD
Power Snatch
3-3-3-3-3 (Work up to 75% of 1RM snatch)
Snatch Balance
2-2-2-2-2 (Work up 85% of 1RM snatch)
Squat Snatch
1-1-1-1-1 (Find 1 RM for the day)
Complete all sets for each before moving to the next. Work up to target % for PS and SB with the goal of setting up for a 1 RM squat snatch
Power Snatch (Work up to 75% of Snatch)
Snatch Balance (Work up to 85% of Snatch)
Squat Snatch (Work up to 1 RM for the day)
Snatch (for % and 1 RM snatch)
Metcon (Time)
Overhead Squat (95/65)
Rx+= (135/85)
Rx55+= (75/45)
10 Min Cap