CrossFit PTC – WOD
Run 400m then Agile 8 (No Measure)
Run 400m
Agile 8
Foam Roll — IT, Piraformis, Teardrop adductors
V-Sit rollover
Firehydrant (arms/back straight)
Groiner (10x each side)
Frog Jumps (10x)
1st Baseman (x2 each side) or Sampson
Diane (Time)
Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
Handstand Push-ups
(15 min time cap)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20 Min EMOM
A: 5 Pull ups & 10 Push ups
B: 30 Sec core plank
Rx+ 20/10 vest
Score = completed rounds of A
If you time out on A then next time start where you left off.