CrossFit PTC – WOD
Run 400m then Agile 8 (No Measure)
Run 400m
Agile 8
Foam Roll — IT, Piraformis, Teardrop adductors
V-Sit rollover
Firehydrant (arms/back straight)
Groiner (10x each side)
Frog Jumps (10x)
1st Baseman (x2 each side) or Sampson
After agile 8 do 3 pull ups, then a MAX EFFORT (As many pullups as possible in 1 min)
Pull-ups (max effort 1 min)
Front Squat (Find 1 RM )
This is not the absolute most you can front squat, it is the most you can front squat TODAY with good form. As soon as your form starts to break, call it quits (ie knees caving, elbows dropping, back rounded….etc)
Front Squat (5-5-5-5 @ 80% today’s 1RM)
Metcon (Time)
21-15-9 reps of:
Sumo Deadlift (60%)
Jumping Lunge
Sumo Deadlift (So you can find 60%)