CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Row 250 (Legs and hips only)
Row 250 (Hips and Arms only)
Row 250 (good form, less than 24 s/m)
Down Dog/scorpion
10 Kb Swings
10m Forward bear crawl
10 ball slams
Warm-up (No Measure)
Row 250 (Legs and hips only)
Row 250 (Hips and Arms only)
Row 250 (good form, less than 24 s/m)
Down Dog/scorpion
10 Kb Swings
10m Forward bear crawl
10 ball slams
A: EMOM 10 Min
10 Toes to Bar
B: EMOM 10 Min
8 Shoulder taps , or 30sec HS Hold- Alternate Nose to wall, or hs walk
Alternating EMOM between A & B
500m Row (Time)
Max Effort 500m Row
6 rounds.
Time cap = 2:50
If you time out on any round. Record 3 min and put distance in notes.
Do not click Rx.
Record best time of 6.