CrossFit PTC – WOD
Jump n Rope
Down dog/Scorpion Stretch/ Band-Shoulder warm up
Group led:
10m Bear crawl-fwd-back
Superman/Iron man
10m Spiderman
Take a couple of min to warm up Handstands/muscle up
EMOM:12 min
A: 10 Toes to Bar
B: 8 Shoulder taps or 30sec HS Hold- Alternate Nose to wall
C: 3 Bar muscle ups/CTB Pull ups/Strict pull ups/banded deadstop at bottom no kip
Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)
6 rounds:
In 2 min
Row 300m/250m
As many push ups as possible
rest 2 min
RX+ Feet and Hands on 45/25