CrossFit PTC – WOD
(No Measure)
Row 500
Banded bully/Scap pulls/face pulls/bent rows/roll legs
10 good mornings
3 Skin the cat
3 Box Jumps
30 sec ring support
EOMOM – 10 Min
Odd- 5 Toes to bar
Even- 3 CTB Pull ups/Pull ups
Shoulder Press (45/5, 55/3, 62.5/2, 72.5/8+)
Spider Annie (Time)
50 Double Unders
5 Wall climbs
40 Double unders
4 Wall climbs
30 Double under
3 Wall climbs
20 Double under
2 Wall Climbs
10 Double unders
1 Wall Climb
Chest must touch the wall on the wall climbs