CrossFit PTC – WOD
Metcon (No Measure)
15 Minute EMOM (5 rounds)
Min 1 – 8 single arm dumbbell snatches (4 each arm)
Min 2 – 8 single arm dumbbell overhead lunges (4 each arm)
Min 3 – 8 single arm dumbbell hang clean and push press ( 4 each arm)
**use this as practice with some dumbbell movements that may come up in the open. It is okay to use different weights for each movement and to add or subtract weight as you go.
***RX weights are likely 50/35#, scaled weights are likely 30-35/ 15-20#
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 rounds of:
2:00 per round, 2:00 rest between rounds of:
Bike 10/7 calories
Row 10/7 calories
Max effort toes to bar in remaining time
**score is max toes to bar
RX+ 15/12 calories