CrossFit PTC – SHRED
Metcon (No Measure)
20 minutes to work on a gymnastics skill- some suggestions:
Hand stand/ progression to HS
– Shoulder taps
– Wall walks
– Pike walk around box
– HS walking
– HS push up
– HS Ring Push up
Push up
Pull up- strict/kipping
Rope Climb
Hollow hold/Super man
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
5 Rounds for reps
In 2 minutes
Run 200 m
wall balls (20#-10’/14#-9′)
Rest 2 minutes
14#-9’/ 10#-9′
Scale wall ball so that you can do a full squat.
Cash Out
Metcon (No Measure)
50 Hip extensions
50 banded good mornings