CrossFit PTC – SHRED
Bear Crawl fwd/bkwd, Inchworm, crab,
Dislocates & halos with bands or pvc
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
8 min each round w/ a partner:
Round 1: Run from one end of the Box to the other and do 5 box jumps, run back and do 5 burpees. Tag your partner and keep switching.
Round 2: Run from one end of the box to the other and do 5 Russian KB swings, run back and do 5 V-ups. Tag your partner and keep switching.
Round 3: Run from one end of the box to the other and do 20 mountain climbers (each leg is one), run back and hold a plank for 20 seconds. tag your partner and keep switching.
Count reps for each round and the total.
2 minute rest should allow for almost complete recovery to go hard in each round.