CrossFit PTC – SHRED
Warm-up (No Measure)
Run 200m
Bandy Shoulders
Go over and try movements
SHRED 12 Days of Christmas (Time)
1 KB Deadlift 70/53
2 Manmakers 30/20
4 Pull ups
5 Ring Dips
6 Wall Balls 20/14
7 Floor Press 30/20
8 Burpees
9 Squats
10 DB Strict Press 30/20
11 DU’s
12 Prisoner Lunges
Each time you advance to the next element you must repeat the ones before right after. So for example when you get to and do 5 ring dips then you will repeat 4, 3, 2, 1 then go to # 6
30 minute Time Cap