CrossFit PTC – WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Run 400m
Mobilize hips, quads, ankles, hamstrings
1X Dynamic Warmup
4X Partner Assisted Banded Sprints (25m)
“Tough Sledding”
Teams of 2
15 Min-AMRAP
A: Sled Pull Ascending and Descending Weight
B: Sandbag Get-ups
Partner A will begin a 25m sled pull with 45#-M and 25#-W plates and add another 45/25# plate every 25m for a total of 3 (75m). Then pull the sled back removing one plate every 25m to the starting point. Partner B is completing as many L/R alternating sandbag get-ups as possible during this time. Rotate once Partner A completed sled pull. Only team sandbag get-ups count for reps.
Rx+ = Use 3-legged sled (start with empty sled add 2 plates
Scale – Reduce weight to 25# plate for men and 10-15# for women