CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Jump n Rope warm up
Partner Assisted T-spine stretch
Bandy Shoulders
10m Walking lunge
8 x – 1 Arm Over head squat (ea side)
8 kettlebell swings
Split Jerk Practice (footwork and bar work)
Split Jerk (45(5),2×55(3), 65(2), 75(2), 80(1), 90(1),2(1RM+))
45(5), 55(2 x 3), 65 (2), 75 (2), 80 (1, 1), 90 (1,1), 1RM, 1RM+
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
9 min AMRAP
7 pull ups
7 push ups
7 Shoulder to Overhead (135/85)
(rx + CTB/push ups hands&feet on 45 bumpers/(155m/95w)