CrossFit PTC – WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
“A New Year’s Resolution”
Teams of 3
20 Wall Balls (20/14)
18 SDLHP (75/45)
20 Floor Press (35/20)
18 Pull-ups
Calorie Row
Rx+= SDLHP (95/65); FP (50/35)
Rx55+= (14/10) Wall Balls
No Barbell Scale = KB SDLHP (53/35)
3-2-1 go, Partner 1 is on the rower while Partners 2 and 3 complete a round with one person working at a time, partitioning team reps as needed. After a round is complete, switch out on the rower and continue for 20 minutes. Score is round + reps + calories.