CrossFit PTC – WOD
Front Squat (Complete 3 sets of 7 front squats + 13 back squats)
You will warm up to 60% of your 1 rep max front squat and complete 3 sets of 7 front squats, rack it, then immediately perform 13 back squats at the same weight. Rest about 2:00 between sets. Form should be perfect, scale percentage back if needed to keep perfect technique and speed.
Metcon (No Measure)
Complete 3 sets for quality of:
– 8 single leg KB RDL each leg
-8-12 unbroken pull ups/ ring rows/ negatives
– :40 side plank each side
Metcon (Calories)
:30 max effort assault bike
1:00 rest
:30 max effort assault bike