CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Jump Rope 150 singles, 50 DUs or attempts
2X Through
2 minute stations of:
Banded shoulders (front rack, pulls, etc)
10 Wallballs + 5 Hands Only Inchworms
Foam Roller (upper back, lats, hips, legs)
10 KBS + 5 Ninja or V-Sit Roll-overs
Front Squat (Find 3 RM for the day + vertical jumps )
Take about 5 sets to find a 3 RM. After each set, complete 5 max effort stationary vertical jumps (no box, high as possible)
Don’t count warmup sets
Metcon (Time)
For time:
Power Snatch (95/65)
200m run before AND after each round
WOD starts with a 200m run, then run 200m between each round, WOD ends with a 200m run for total of 6 runs
Rx+= (135/85)
Rx55+ = (75/55)