CrossFit PTC – WOD
Power Snatch (Work up to 1rm for the day )
Those comfortable with the power snatch should work to a 1rm for the day with perfect form.
Beginners practice technique. Go from the hang if needed and do not worry about the weight/ rep scheme.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 Minute AMRAP of:
10m right arm overhead walking lunges 35/20#
10 alternating dumbbell snatches 35/20#
10m left arm overhead walking lunges 35/20#
10 single arm dumbbell thrusters (5 each arm) 35/20#
RX+ 50/35#
RX Masters 55+ 25/12#
Score = total rounds plus any extra reps
10m lunge counts as 1 rep