Friday October 16, 2015

CrossFit PTC – WOD

(No Measure)

Jump N Rope Warm Up (1x thru)

Groiner/Down dog/pigeon pose

3 rounds or 5 min

5 pull ups

10 push ups

15 squats

Burgener /Clean Skills
EMOM-12 min

Odd: 2 HSPU or HS Hold for 15s

Even: Plank hold for 20s

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP – 20 min

10 Double unders

3 pull ups/3 ring dips

20 Double Unders

6 pull ups/6 ring dips

30 Double unders

9 pull ups/9 dips

40 Double unders

12 pull ups/ 12 dips

50 Double unders

15 pull ups/15 dips

60 double unders

18 pull ups/18 dips

70 double unders

21 pull ups/21 dips

80 double unders

24 pull ups/24 dips

90 double under

27 pull ups/27 dips

Continue sequence till time is up

RX+ (3 pull up/3 dip = 1 muscle up)

so 10/1, 20/2, 30/3, 40/4, 50/5…
Score the completed round ie round 5 is 50 du/15 pu/15 dips and the number of reps in the partial round.


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