CrossFit PTC – WOD
Metcon (No Measure)
For quality and practice:
15 Minute EMOM of:
Minute 1 – 20-30 double unders
Minute 2 – 1-2 rope climbs (practice foot lock)
Minute 3 – 10 alternating pistols (scale to a box or with a band)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 Minute AMRAP of:
Run 150m
5 KB swings 53/35#
Run 150m
10 KB swings 53/35#
Run 150m
15 KB swings 53/35#
Run 150m
20 KB swings 53/35#
RX+ 70/53#
Continue adding 5 KB swings each round until the clock runs out.
*For scoring purposes, each time you complete a set of Kbs, that counts as a round.
**For example, if you finish the set of 10 swings, you have completed 2 rounds.