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CrossFit PTC – The Gym – How We Are Training Through COVID-19

Hey CrossFit PTC Fam,

Thanks to COVID-19 it seems that the world has gone crazy, but we want to share some great news with you.

First:  You are already doing all that you can to prepare yourself for sickness.  Strong, fit people that are eating a healthy whole-food-based diet are hard to kill and they bounce back quickly.  You have already focused on sound nutrition and smart supplements. If I were the virus, I’d be more worried about you.  

Second:  Despite the outside craziness, by all appearances, locally we are well ahead of whatever comes.  There are places overseas where folks are already overwhelmed. 

Third:  Spring is here and warmer weather will allow us all to get out a little more (when it stops raining).

Fourth: CrossFit PTC is a member of a strong group of gym owners worldwide, and we are learning and collaborating as a group so we can help you. (Special thanks to Mike Warkentin).

General Plan:

  • We will remain open and doing a fun mix of functional fitness with friends.
  • Please do not come to the gym if you feel sick or show any symptoms.  Even if you have something else, in the current environment you may spook others.  
  • Listen to all the guidance being put out.  Wash your hands for 20s, try to avoid touching your face, cough into your elbow, give others space, etc.
  • We love high fives, hugs and handshakes…but for now, let’s stick with elbow bumps! 
  • Clean everything you touch, we will ensure that all of our disinfectants are mixed to ensure they have maximum effect.
  • Wash your hands before and after the workout
  • We are limiting some of the things that are harder to clean or people have expressed concerns about (rope climbs, assault bike)- They are available but we won’t be using them in regular group classes.

Long Term Plans

Due to the worldwide situation, there is a potential that gyms and other public spaces may be forced to shut down.  We will adhere to all government regulations and requests.

Should we be forced to shut down, we will not stop coaching or running training sessions. We will use social media and internet tools to instruct workouts.  We take pride in being a beacon of health and fitness and that is not going to go away. We will not go dark! We want you to keep working out, even if the government says we can’t do it here.  We will also look for alternate venues (park, the track at Wisdom Road, outside, etc)

If forced to close we will continue to post workouts with detailed descriptions every day.  We will create options using every day/common household items. We will use technology to connect and lead classes.  We are up for the challenge.

Some things you can do:

  1.  Go out and buy a kettlebell or a set of dumbbells.  You can probably get something for $100 or less, Dick’s, Academy Sports, Play it again sports and even Wal-Mart are local stores that usually have them.  You can also order them online. Select a weight that you would use in a longer wod. You can also swing a dumbbell like a kettlebell. Don’t worry, you can stay very fit with just one kettlebell or a pair of dumbbells.
  2. If you don’t have the $$ right now, then fill some jugs with water, or find a heavier object that you can lift with a handle or a strap.
  3. Make a space where you can do “CFPTC online”.  Think about 8×8, garage is awesome. Make sure you will be able to do a burpee without killing the cat.
  4. Get back on FB for just the duration.  It is likely that we will be using that platform.  
  5. Send the cable guy or whoever provides your internet some flowers.

We are very hopeful that we will not have to close.  If we are required to, we will obey the authorities.

We will not leave you high and dry.  We will look for any and all ways that we can provide enthusiasm, community, programming, energy, and fun.  

You are someone who works out no matter what.  This is your happy place.

We are going to make sure that continues.


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