CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Run 400
Mobility for Clean (Coaches Choice)
10 Wall Balls
10 KBS
10 Single Arm KB RDLs (5 each side)
Burgener for Clean and Jerk w PVC
E2MOM 12
2- Position Squat Clean (Hip, Mid-Knee) + Jerk
Focus is on technique, add weight as technique allows.
Every two minutes, complete a squat clean from the hang and mid-knee, then complete the jerk (split or power)
Squat Clean and Jerk (Hang + Mid-Knee + Jerk @ AHAP with technique)
Bear Claw (Time)
800m Run
5 Bear Complex (95/65)
600m Run
5 Bear Complex
400m Run
5 Bear Complex
200m Run
5 Bear Complex
*Must be touch and go. If you put the bar down you must perform 5 burpees
1 Rep Bear Complex = Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, BTN Push Press
Rx+= (135/85)
Rx55+ & Scaled = (75/55)