CrossFit PTC – SHRED
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Partner WOD
As Many Rounds As Possible in 32min
3 Goblet Squats (53/35)
6 Jumping Pull Ups
9 Hanging Knee Raises
12 Calorie Bike
15 Burpees
Rx+= 70/44; Pull ups; Toes to Bar, over the bar burpee
Partners will alternate movements each round with one partner working and one resting. Example – for Round 1, Partner A will complete 3 goblet squats, then Partner B will complete 6 box jumps, Partner A completes 9 knee raises, Partner B completes 12 RKBS and Partner A completes calorie row. For Round 2, Partner B will start with squats and rotate with A through the round. Continue this rotation for 32 minutes
Cash Out
4 Rounds: 20s on 10s off (tabata), all the way through 4x
Flutter Kicks
V-Ups or Lemon Squeezers
Mountain Climbers