CrossFit PTC – WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
15 Minute alternating EMOM of:
Min 1 – 35 double unders (70 singles)
Min 2 – 2 rope climbs (4 progressions)
Min 3 – 5 handstand push ups (10 regular push ups/ inverted push ups)
**each successful round counts as a rep
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 Minute AMRAP of:
5 wall balls 20/14#
7 toes to bar
10 wall balls
7 toes to bar
15 wall balls
7 toes to bar
**add 5 wall balls each round until time is up
***each time a full round of wall balls and toes to bar is complete, that counts as 1 round. Enter in any additional reps of incomplete round in