Monday November 23, 2015

CrossFit PTC – WOD

(No Measure)

Row 750

Banded bully, face pulls, banded scap pull

Two rounds:

3 Scap Pull, Strict Pull up, Kipping Pull up

3 Down dog push up, strict HSPU, kipping HSPU

3 wall washer squats, wall squats, squats

3 hanging leg raise, strict TTB, kipping TTB

(each is a progression, if you can’t do the

challenging version repeat the one you can)

A: Push Press (5-5-5-5-5 @ 75%)

B: Weighted Pull-ups (work up to as heavy as possible for 5)

Metcon (Time)

10 Wall Balls

1 Ring Dip

9 Wall Balls

2 Ring Dip

8 Wall balls

3 Ring Dip

7 Wall balls

4 Ring Dip

6 Wall balls

5 Ring Dip

5 Wall balls

6 Ring Dip

4 Wall Balls

7 Ring Dip

3 Wall Balls

8 Ring Dip

2 Wall Balls

9 Ring Dip

1 Wall Balls

10 Ring Dip


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