CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Run 400
Dynamic Warmup
2x Through, 10m Each of:
High Knees
Lateral Lunges R-side
Butt Kickers
Lateral Lunges L-Side
Lateral High Knees Right
Lateral High Knees Left
Stretch and hold 60 seconds for Each:
Hamstrings (Touch Ground with straight legs)
Sampson Stretch
Down Dog
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
“Slam Dunk”
Teams of 3
15 Min AMRAP
Station 1: 50m Slam Ball Throw Complex
Station 2: Burpees
Station 3: Plank Hold Complex
SB Complex = Rotation of Forward, Lateral L, Reverse, Lateral R
SB Weight = (35-40#/15-20#)
Plank Hold Complex = Rotation of L-Side, Front, R-Side Planks
Partners will rotate through stations using the Slam Ball throw as the pacer. Score is total team burpees.
A team of 2 will throw out plank hold.