CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Band Shoulders + Spider man /
100 singles + 30 Doubles (alt = 200 singles)
5 A frame push ups (Down Dog)
10 ninja roll ups
20 sec Ring L-sit/Ring support
EMOM for 21 minutes: A on 1, B on 2, C on 3….
A: Push Press (x6 @70%)
B: Renegade Row ( Dumb bell row… push up, row L, push up)
*Record Dumb bell you use for RDbR
C: GHD Situps (x6)
Death By Pull up (rounds) (AMRAP – Rounds)
On a continuously running clock: Do 1 pull up in minute 1, 2 pull ups in minute 2 and 3 pull ups in minute 3. Continue this pattern until you cannot complete the number of pull ups in that minute. Time is the last minute where you were able to successfully complete the required number of pull ups