CrossFit PTC – WOD
Run 400m then Agile 8 (No Measure)
Run 400m
Agile 8
Foam Roll — IT, Piraformis, Teardrop adductors
V-Sit rollover
Firehydrant (arms/back straight)
Groiner (10x each side)
Frog Jumps (10x)
1st Baseman (x2 each side) or Sampson
Back Squat (1 RM)
The other Tabata Barbell (4 Rounds for reps)
Tabata deadlift, 185 lb./125
Tabata hang power clean, 135 lb./85
Tabata front squat, 85 lb./55
Tabata push press, 65 lb./35
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Rest one minute between exercises. Log each exercise as a round
score = total reps for all 32 intervals