CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Run 400
Roll back, hips, legs + Sampson + pigeon pose
10m Forward Banded Walks + 5 Squats
10m Reverse Banded Walks + 5 Squats
10m Lateral Banded Walks L + 5 Squats
10m Lateral Banded Walks R + 5 Squats
Back Squat (5 X 5 @ 65%)
Slow eccentric movement (3-4 seconds to get to bottom) then explode up.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 Minute AMRAP
3 DB Man-makers (Clean)* (35/20)
6 Box Jumps (24/20)
9 Squats
*Push up/Pull R/Push up/Pull L/jump feet/clean
Rx+ = (45/30) Man-makers