CrossFit PTC – WOD
Back Squat (6X5 @ 65% of working max)
Check comments in Wodify on June 18th and adjust working max if needed. If not comment, stay at the previous number.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Complete 8 rounds of:
In one minute, complete –
4 Deadlifts (225/155)
3 Burpee Over-the-Bar
AMRAP of Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute
Rx+= (275/205)
Rx55+ and Scaled = (185/135)
Athletes will have one minute to complete 4 deadlifts, 3 burpees over the bar and then use the remaining time to complete AMRAP of double unders. Score is total double unders. For scaled scoring, two singles count as 1 rep.