CrossFit PTC – WOD
Row 750
Band shoulder warm ups
2 Skin the cats
3 Handstand push ups
10 Reverse Hypers
10 Squats
EMOM: 16 min
Odd: 5 Toes to bar
Even: 5 Pull ups and 5 Dips -or- 2 (3) muscle ups
Toes-To-Bar (8×5)
Pull-ups (8×5)
Muscle-ups (2×8 or 3×8)
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
Side Plank 1 min L
50 abmat situps
Side plank 1 min R
50 Russian Twists
Side plank 1 min L
50 Toes to bar
Side Plank 1 Min R
50 Kettle Bell swings 53/35