CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Banded Shoulders
10 MB Throws Each of:
Chest Pass
Lateral – L and R
Scoop (Underneath)
Drop Pass*
*Partner drops MB to chest of partner laying
on back who returns it to standing partner
15 Min EMOM
A: Max Reps Bench Press (Use lower weight between BW or 85% of bench press)
B: Max Reps Supine Ring Rows (Toes even w/rings)*
C: Rest
Minute 1: Complete as many reps of bench press as possible;
Minute 2: Complete as many supine ring rows as possible;
Minute 3: Rest
Repeat cycle 4 times
*Note: Kipping allowed on supine ring rows but arms must fully extend and
rings must touch chest each rep
Bench Press (Max reps @ 85%)
Enter highest number of reps completed in a round. Put total reps in the notes.
Supine Ring Pull ups (Max Reps)
Game Changer 17.3 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Ascending WOD
AMRAP 9 minutes
10 m Shuttle Run
1 burpee
1 KBS (53/35)
20 m Shuttle Run
2 burpees
30m Shuttle Run
3 burpee
Keep increasing by 10 m and 1 rep each in all 3 elements each round until time ends.
If you have any Game folks in the class reverse the lifting with the metcon for the class.