CrossFit PTC – WOD
Front Squat (Work to heavy set of 1 for the day)
If you completed the 1 rep max last week, and are happy with your number (or you hit a PR), complete 5×5 front squat at 70% of your new 1 rep max.
*You will do this in place of the heavy set of 1 today.
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Tabata intervals (:20 on, :10 rest x 8 rounds)
1. Jumping lunges
rest 1:00
2. Abmat sit ups
rest 1:00
3. Alternating dumbbell snatches 50/35#
rest 1:00
4. Alternating dumbbell hang squat clean 50/35#
*complete all 8 sets for each movement before moving on to the next.
**scaled weights for the open would be 35/20#