CrossFit PTC – WOD
(No Measure)
Run 400
Hamstrings with bands/Shoulders
8 Empty Bar Thrusters
8 Hip extensions (Ham raise if you can)
8 Good morning
Burgener Warm Up (Snatch)
Hang Power Snatch (3/50%,3/60%,3(65%), 2/70%, 2/70%)
Use % of Snatch – see below
1 Min rest btwn sets
Behind The Neck Jerk (3/50%,3/60%,3(65%), 2/70%, 2/70%)
Use % of Jerk
Snatch (use this for % for HPSn)
Split Jerk (Use this for % for BNJ)
Spider Annie (Time)
50 Double Unders
5 Wall climbs
40 Double unders
4 Wall climbs
30 Double under
3 Wall climbs
20 Double under
2 Wall Climbs
10 Double unders
1 Wall Climb
Chest must touch the wall on the wall climbs