Vision, Mission, Core Values…and why that matters to you.

Hey CrossFit PTC Family,

I had a hard conversation the other morning. To be honest I don’t want to talk about what is going on in the world right now. If I am brutally honest I am appalled by the lack of basic humanity that I see. Thanks Brady for helping me find the right word. “Humanity” is a beautiful word, and humans are beautiful. Wouldn’t it be great if we all thought so?

After many years and many trials I am still a firm believer in the following statement:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

In my heart, I believe that as it is written. Those words. Self evident, all men, created, equal, endowed by their creator, unalienable rights, Life, Liberty, pursuit of Happiness. 

You don’t have to believe these words to be my client, just know that I do. Also please understand that I interpret “all men” to include all human beings.  If any are left out, it can’t mean all.  

Last year I was working on re-writing our corporate vision, mission statement, and core values.  I had been challenged that much of what we put down in these things is just so much corporate speak and gobbledygook that it was like cold oatmeal. I had a full head of steam and I enrolled in a course designed to help me think through vision, mission, and core values. I spent a day or two wrestling with things and I was almost there. But, like so many things I got caught up and didn’t finish. Something got in the way, distracted me and …”Squirrel”. It was put aside. 

Today I am finishing. Like so many things I reserve the right to update and change as necessary. Also, honestly, I don’t have some overwhelming save the world type vision. I always admire those folks that do. Our vision is local, and it is wrapped up in our clients.

CrossFit PTC

Vision: We want to have the healthiest, happiest, and most prosperous clients on the planet. 

Mission: We help busy people look great and feel awesome. Our coaching focuses on a lifestyle of health and prosperity through nutrition, exercise, and mindset. We are a family friendly, inclusive safe haven from the chaos of everyday life. 

Core Values:

Be the coach

When our clients win we win.

Get people to do something that they wouldn’t normally do for their own good.

Suggest what is good for them, even if it is hard.  Look out for their welfare especially when they won’t look out for their own.

Be human

Care deeply about all people.

Seek to help first. 

Lead people to feel better about themselves when they leave than when they came in.  This is true for clients and staff.  They are our tribe.

Be Positive

Look for the good. Almost every situation has a bright side.

Listen. Everyone is fighting a battle you don’t see

Point to the bright spot.   

What does this mean?

The bottom line is that you as a person are incredibly valuable and we want you to be healthy, happy, and prosperous. It is our mission to help you achieve that. If there is noise in the world we would like to be a place where you can find acceptance and friendship, calm the chaos, focus on your health, and enjoy becoming a fitter, happier and more prosperous version of yourself.


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