CrossFit PTC – WOD
(No Measure)
Row 500
Banded Hamstring stretch
Banded Walks (Side, Forward, back)
10 steps each way
8 Good mornings (second time add wt)
8 Empty bar thrusters
5 squats facing the wall, back to the wall
Deadlift (2/57.5, 2/65, 4 (5/70))
Shoulder Press (2/57.5, 2/65, 4 (5/70))
Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM x10- 5 Thrusters
M-1-4 (95),5-7(115), 8-10 (135)
W 1-4 (65), 5-7 (75), 8-10 (90)
*Break 1 min between 4-5/ 7-8 for equip.