CrossFit PTC – SHRED
Warm-up (No Measure)
WARM UP 200m Run
MOBILITY Lacrosse Ball for Shoulders
Roll Legs and glutes
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Teams of 2
5 Minute Stations of:
3 Battle Rope Burpees/ABMAT Situps
Bike (10 cal/7 cal) /Ball Slams (20/15)
Row 200m/Russian KB Twist (35/26#)
Run 100m/DB Strict Press 15/25
2:00 minutes rest between stations
Battle Rope Burpees = 10 reps battle ropes + 1 burpee
Partners will rotate using the first movement as the pacer for 5 minutes.
Only the second movement counts. Score is total team reps.