CrossFit PTC – SHRED
Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM 12 Min
A: 8 Dumb bell deadlift (2 db, both bells go to ground)
B: 40 s Side plank
C: 8 Dumb bell goblet squats
D: 40s Side plank
Dumb bell deadlifts- Both bells of each dumb bell contact the ground each time.
Shreded MedBall Madness (partner) (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Partner WOD
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible 20 Min
A: Run 200m
B: As many Med Ball Cleans as possible. (20/14)
Partner A runs 200m
Partner B does as many reps as possible of MBCs
Score = Total number of runs/laps (goes in rounds)
PLUS- Total number of MedBall Cleans (goes in reps)