CrossFit PTC – SHRED
Metcon (No Measure)
Work on Jump rope/ Double unders!!
-Single, Single, Double drills
-Hip opening drills
-Jump between objects (boxes)
Annie – Face Off (AMRAP – Reps)
Partner A- AbMat Sit ups
Partner B – Jump Rope
Sit ups
Jump rope
Partner A will complete sit ups (timer)
while partner B completes as many jump ropes
as possible. Then switch. Your score is the number of jump ropes
you complete. You are trying to speed up your sit ups so that your
partner has a lower score. Post your own (individual) score.
RX+ = Doubles
Metcon (No Measure)
A: 8 Dumb bell bench press
B: 8 Pull ups
C: 8 Dumb bell Squats
(if no pull ups, either work on holds, hold + negative with 3-5 reps)