Saturday Team WOD

CrossFit PTC – WOD


Warm-up (No Measure)

Your Choice – Run 800, Row 1000 or 5 minutes of jump rope

Then as a group:

20 Jumping Jacks

5 Hands-Only Inchworms

Cobra/Down Dog

Sampson Stretch Each Leg

Pigeon Pose Each Leg

Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

Teams of 2

5 Minutes per Station/2 Minutes Rest Btw of:

A: 50m Sled push ; KB swing (53/35)

B: 24/18 Cal Row ; Slam ball sit up (20/15)

C: 100m Suitcase Carry(50m ea); Single arm DB ohd walking lunge (40/25 both exercises)

D: 100m Run; Pull up

E: 50 Double unders; Wall ball (20/14)

Rx+= KBS (70/53); Suitcase/wl (50/35); CTB pull ups; Wall ball (25/16),

Rx M 55+ 44/26 KBS, 15/10 Slam ball, 30/20 suitcase & WL, 16/10 Wall ball

Each station is a 5 min AMRAP with Partner A completing the first movement while Partner B completed as many reps as possible of movement two. Partners will switch when movement one is completed. Score = total teams reps of movement two at each station. Teams will rotate through until all stations are completed with 2 minutes rest between each station.


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