CrossFit PTC – WOD
Todays WOD is structured to allow recovery prior to Murph blending mobility with various movements.
Metcon (No Measure)
Recovery WOD:
Complete 3 rounds of 2 minute intervals of each movement in the order of:
1) Monostructural:Rowing, Jump Rope (Singles or DUs)
2) Mobility: Banded Stretches, Box Stretches, Pigeon/Couch Stretches
3) Weightlifting: Farmers Carry, Earthquake Walks, Ball Slams, GTOH
4) Mobility: Foam Roller Work
5) Gymnastics: Scap Depressions, Skin the Cat, Evil Wheels, Handstand Holds
6) Mobility: Banded Stretches, Box Stretches, Pigeon/Couch Stretches
You can choose any movement from each category. Mix it up. Work for 2 minutes for each movement then rotate. Total of 36 minutes. Must follow the order of M/Mob/W/Mob/G/Mob.
Cash Out:
Max Burpees in 3 Minutes