CrossFit PTC – WOD
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
“Ebenezer Scrooge”
Partner WOD
6 min stations, 2 minutes rest btw stations
A: 100m Slam Ball Throws (20/15)
B: Max Sledgehammer Strikes
A: 10 Battle Rope Burpees*
B: Max Elevated Plank Walks
A: 10/7 Calorie AB
B: Max Jumping Pull-ups
A: 21/17 Calorie Row
B: Max 10m Farmers Carry (35/25)
Rx+= Stone Carry; Pull-ups; (50/35)
1 Battle Rope Burpee = 10 BR + 1 Burpee
Partner A will complete movement A while Partner B will complete max effort of the second movement, then switch. Score is team reps of movement B.