CrossFit PTC – WOD
Metcon (Time)
“Ring of Fire”
EMOM for 15 Minutes (3 Rounds)
D-Ball OTS
Flutter Kicks
Parallette Pass-throughs
Battle Ropes
Rest 5 minutes, then…
“Swing for the Fences”
EMOM until 200/170 Row Calories Reached
A: Max Calorie Row
B: 15 Russian KBS (53/35)
Rx+= 250/210 Cal; (70/44)
Coed = 185 Rx; 230 Rx+
Partner A will row for max calories for one minute while Partner B has one minute to complete 15 KBS. Partners will switch after every minute until a total of 200/170 is reached as a team. Score is total time, however every time the 15 KBS aren’t completed within the minute, a 15 sec penalty will be added.