CrossFit PTC – WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
“Icing on the Cake”
Teams of 2
2 Minutes to Complete:
9 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 KBS (53/35)
20 ABMAT Situps
AMRAP Snatch* Ladder
Rest 2 Minutes
*Sub for snatch is clean.
Ladder based on 1-RM=
Round 1) AMRAP @ 60%
Round 2) AMRAP @ 70%
Round 3) AMRAP @ 80%
Round 4) AMRAP @ 90%
Round 5) AMRAP@ 100+%
Partner A will first complete wall balls, KBS and sit-ups then use the remainder of the 2 minutes to complete AMRAP of snatches with ascending weight each round. Then partner A will rest as partner B goes. 5 rounds each. Score is combined number of successful snatches.