CrossFit PTC – WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
“Bait & Switch”
Teams of 4 working in pairs, complete 3 minutes of each movement at each station:
Sledgehammer Drives (Switch after 20 reps)
Tire Flips
10m Seated Sled Pulls
Landmines (45/25#) (Switch after 5 reps each arm)
GHD/ABMAT Situps (Switch after 10 reps)
DUs (2:1 Singles) (Switch after 20/40 reps)
Air Squats (Switch after 10 reps)
25m Farmers KB Shuttle Carry (44/26#)
1-Minute Rest Btw Movements
Each pair of two will complete AMRAP of each movement, one partner working at a time except tire flips