CrossFit PTC – WOD
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
“Flip of the Coin”
Partner WOD
Complete 2 Rounds
3 Minute Stations; 1 Minute Rest BTW Stations
Heads Movement/Tails Movement
Station 1: Box Jumps/Squat Box Jumps (24/20)
Station 2: Sit-ups/Hanging Knee Raises
Station 3: Calorie Row/Assault Bike
Station 4: Slam Balls (20/15)/Burpees
Rx+= Toes-2-Bar for Knee Raises
I will flip a coin at the start of each station to determine the movement! Then, both partners will work at the same time completing the heads or tails movement for 3 minutes. Partners will do the same movement. Score is total team reps.