CrossFit PTC – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
Row 500/Roll legs & Back
Down Dog/Spider man/Pigeon
5 Ninja Roll ups
8 empty bar thrusters
12 Banded good mornings
20 Sit ups
warm up to 60% of Back squat
Back Squat ( 5 @ 65% )
EMOM for 8 min
(form, depth and speed are priority over load)
Clean the wall (Time)
For time
21 Wall Ball shots (20/10, 14/9)
1 Power Clean (155, 85)
18 Wall Ball
2 Power Clean (155, 85)
15 Wall Ball
3 Power Clean (155, 85)
12 Wall Ball
4 Power Clean (155, 85)
9 Wall ball
5 Power Clean (155, 85)
6 Wall ball
6 Power Cleans (155, 85)
3 Wall Ball
7 Power Cleans (155, 85)
rx+ 185/105